Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) |
Paper #1
The Use of Synthetic Data to Facilitate Eye Segmentation Using Deeplabv3+
Melih Öz, Taner Danisman, Melih Günay, Esra Zekiye Sanal, Özgür Duman and Joseph William Ledet
Abstract: The human eye contains valuable information about an individual’s identity and health. Therefore, segmenting the eye into distinct regions is an essential step towards gathering this useful information precisely. The main challenges in segmenting the human eye include low light conditions, reflections on the eye, variations in the eyelid, and head positions that make an eye image hard to segment. For this reason, there is a need for deep neural networks, which are preferred due to their success in segmentation problems. However, deep neural networks need a large amount of manually annotated data to be trained. Manual annotation is a labor-intensive task, and to tackle this problem, we used data augmentation methods to improve synthetic data. In this paper, we detail the exploration of the scenario, which, with limited data, whether performance can be enhanced using similar context data with image augmentation methods. Our training and test set consists of 3D synthetic eye images generated from the UnityEyes application and manually annotated real-life eye images, respectively. We examined the effect of using synthetic eye images with the Deeplabv3+ network in different conditions using image augmentation methods on the synthetic data. According to our experiments, the network trained with processed synthetic images beside real-life images produced better mIoU results than the network, which only trained with real-life images in the Base dataset. We also observed mIoU increase in the test set we created from MICHE II competition images.
Keywords: Deep Neural Networks; Eye Segmentation; Image Augmentation; Synthetic Data.
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Paper #2
A Deep Learning-based Dengue Mosquito Detection Method Using Faster R-CNN and Image Processing Techniques
Rumali Siddiqua, Shakila Rahman and Jia Uddin
Abstract: Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease caused by dengue viruses, is a significant public health concern in many countries especially in the tropical and subtropical regions. In this paper, we introduce a deep learning-based model using Faster R-CNN with InceptionV2 accompanied by image processing techniques to identify the dengue mosquitoes. Performance of the proposed model is evaluated using a custom mosquito dataset built upon varying environments which are collected from the internet. The proposed Faster R-CNN with InceptionV2 model is compared with other two state-of-art models, R-FCN with ResNet 101 and SSD with MobilenetV2. The False positive (FP), False negative (FN), precision and recall are used as performance measurement tools to evaluate the detection accuracy of the proposed model. The experimental results demonstrate that as a classifier the Faster- RCNN model shows 95.19% of accuracy and outperforms other state-of-the-art models as R-FCN and SSD model show 94.20% and 92.55% detection accuracy, respectively for the test dataset.
Keywords: Deep Learning; Dengue Mosquito; Detection Algorithms; Faster R-CNN; Image Processing; InceptionV2.
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Paper #3
A Review on Physiological Signal Based Emotion Detection
Hina Fatima Shahzad, Adil Ali Saleem, Amna Ahmed, Kiran Shehzadi and Hafeez Ur Rehman Siddiqui
Abstract: Emotions are feelings that are the result of biochemical processes in the body that are influenced by a variety of factors such as one's state of mind, situations, experiences, and surrounding environment. Emotions have an impact on one's ability to think and act. People interact with each other to share their thoughts and feelings. Emotions play a vital role in the field of medicine and can also strengthen the human computer interaction. There are different techniques being used to detect emotions based on facial features, texts, speech, and physiological signals. One of the physiological signal breathing is a parameter which represents an emotion. The rational belief that different breathing habits are correlated with different emotions has expanded the evidence for a connection between breathing and emotion. In this manuscript different recent investigations about the emotion recognition using respiration patterns have been reviewed. The aim of the survey is to sum up the latest technologies and techniques to help researchers develop a global solution for emotional detection system. Various researchers use benchmark datasets and few of them created their own dataset for emotion recognition. It is observed that many investigators used invasive sensors to acquire respiration signals that makes subject uncomfortable and conscious that affects the results. The numbers of subjects involved in the studies reviewed are of the same age and race which is the reason why the results obtained in those studies cannot be applied to diverse population. There is no single global solution exist.
Keywords: Human emotions; Machine learning; Physiological signals; Respiration pattern; Signal processing.
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Paper #4
Monte Carlo Computational Software and Methods in Radiation Dosimetry
Nikolaos Chatzisavvas, Georgios Priniotakis, Michael Papoutsidakis, Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, Ioannis Valais and Georgios Karpetas
Abstract: The fast developments and ongoing demands in radiation dosimetry have piqued the attention of many software developers and physicists to create powerful tools to make their experiments more exact, less expensive, more focused, and with a wider range of possibilities. Many software toolkits, packages, and programs have been produced in recent years, with the majority of them available as open source, open access, or closed source. This study is mostly focused to present what are the Monte Carlo software developed over the years, their implementation in radiation treatment, radiation dosimetry, nuclear detector design for diagnostic imaging, radiation shielding design and radiation protection. Ten software toolkits are introduced, a table with main characteristics and information is presented in order to make someone entering the field of computational Physics with Monte Carlo, make a decision of which software to use for their experimental needs. The possibilities that this software can provide us with allow us to design anything from an X-Ray Tube to whole LINAC costly systems with readily changeable features. From basic x-ray and pair detectors to whole PET, SPECT, CT systems which can be evaluated, validated and configured in order to test new ideas. Calculating doses in patients allows us to quickly acquire, from dosimetry estimates with various sources and isotopes, in various materials, to actual radiation therapies such as Brachytherapy and Proton therapy. We can also manage and simulate Treatment Planning Systems with a variety of characteristics and develop a highly exact approach that actual patients will find useful and enlightening. Shielding is an important feature not only to protect people from radiation in places like nuclear power plants, nuclear medical imaging, and CT and X-Ray examination rooms, but also to prepare and safeguard humanity for interstellar travel and space station missions. This research looks at the computational software that has been available in many applications up to now, with an emphasis on Radiation Dosimetry and its relevance in today's environment.
Keywords: Dosimetry; Medical Imaging; Monte Carlo; Shielding; Software.
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Paper #5
Building Dictionaries for Low Resource Languages: Challenges of Unsupervised Learning
Diellza Nagavci Mati, Mentor Hamiti, Arsim Susuri, Besnik Selimi and Jaumin Ajdari
Abstract: The development of natural language processing resources for Albanian has grown steadily in recent years. This paper presents research conducted on unsupervised learning-the challenges associated with building a dictionary for the Albanian language and creating part-of-speech tagging models. The majority of languages have their own dictionary, but languages with low resources suffer from a lack of resources. It facilitates the sharing of information and services for users and whole communities through natural language processing. The experimentation corpora for the Albanian language includes 250K sentences from different disciplines, with a proposal for a part-of-speech tagging tag set that can adequately represent the underlying linguistic phenomena. Contributing to the development of Albanian is the purpose of this paper. The results of experiments with the Albanian language corpus revealed that its use of articles and pronouns resembles that of more high-resource languages. According to this study, the total expected frequency as a means for correctly tagging words has been proven effective for populating the Albanian language dictionary.
Keywords: Albanian language; corpora; dictionaries; natural language processing; part-of-speech tagging.
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